Name RR (Sh. Ram Rattan ) was grandfather of Mr. Gurdeep and Mr. Sandeep.

Mr. Gurdeep Kumar and Mr. Sandeep Kumar have started a firm in 2013 with this venture with own brother Mr. Sandeep Kumar who is Mechanical Engineer by KUK where Gurdeep Kumar having technical education with civil engineering diploma. Both the brothers are innovative and technical person so they have improved this technology and they got two big achievements in 2020 and 2021. They attempt a record in India Book of Records for first time rotation a building in India on 90° angle. Gurdeep and Sandeep have a perfect bonding with their clients they works with a policy of 100% satisfaction and 0% Risks with a court agreement.

Everyone has a sentimental attachment with their home where they lives, born and grows. Every normal person can make a house one time in his life with all his savings and attachments, but if due to the natural climates, construction failure or development they need to demolish their houses. What will happen? It’s very painful for them. Nobody can feel their pain and it’s a non-fillable wound. But RR and Sons Building Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Can give a permanent solution of these types of problems like :-

  1. Is your house below the road level ?
  2. Is rainy water enters in your house ?
  3. Do you wants to shift or move your house building from one place to another
  4. Is your house tilted at one side due the weakness of foundation
  5. Do you want a parking in your existing old house
  6. Do you want to make a basement under your existing building


RR and Sons Building Solutions Pvt. Ltd

Our Experts

Gurdeep Kumar


Sandeep Kumar



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